According to Article 22 of the Law on Borders of Mongolia:
- Attempted to cross the state border by land, water or air through non-border areas;
- Entered or attempted to enter the state border without a valid entry document or with invalid documents;
-Crossed the state border through the subsoil;
-Acts of smuggling and attempting to smuggle vehicles and items across the state border through non-border areas are considered border violations, and a person who violates this provision is considered a border trespasser.
-If illegal import of prohibited or restricted goods across the border of Mongolia, Article 18.5 of the Criminal Code “Illegal import of goods across the state border”;
- Crossing the Mongolian border without entry or exit documents, or with forged documents or proper permits, shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with Article 19.14 of the Criminal Code “Illegal entry of the Mongolian border”.
-Article 15.2 of the Law on Violations “Failure to comply with a decision of a public official or obstruction of his/her activities” if he/she fails to comply with the legal requirements set by the Border Protection Service officer, or urges others not to comply, obstructs his/her activities or tries to interfere;
- Violation of the border and border regime, violation of the rules to be followed at the border, violation of the established order of inspection at the border, operation in the border control zone without permission shall be punishable under Article 16.1 of the Law on Violations.